
Friday, September 17, 2010

And then he was One.

It has been way too long between posts, but right now I have all of three readers, so I'm sure you don't care. My baby turned one on Sunday and party mayhem insued. My easygoing, happy little boy dug right into his cake, just the way you want them to on their first birthday. The internal "are we done?" struggle rages on, with my heart flip flopping back and forth between wanting just one more, to wanting the best life for the two happy, healthy boys I already have.
 I finished Eat, Pray, Love and have since purchased a japa mala, hoping that I will find the time somewhere to meditate. I have a few plans for the upcoming year, one of which includes becoming a Certified Fitness Trainer. I just have to try an allow myself one goal at a time, since there are SO many things I want to do, and only so much time in which to do them. I have started baking and decorating cakes, which I LOVE to do. This I think, will remain a hobby. But I will post the occassional picture for your viewing pleasure.
I returned to work last week, which I thoroughly enjoy. I applied for a casual job in the Mother/Baby unit and see where that takes me. This is the area that I have wanted to be in since I graduated, but has not quite happened yet, so I will have to wait and see.
Until next time!


  1. I love to read your blog. Even though we are very close, it gives me a new insight, every time I read what you have written,into my little girl that has become a woman, wife and mother. I knew that on the day you were born, you were very special. And I was right! (for once ;)) I must tell you again and again how much I love you and how very proud I am of you as a woman, wife and mother.

  2. Love the title. :) And as if that little girl at Sportball today didn't just tip the scales, man she was CUTE. Made me want another!!! :)
